
Adoption Fee: $350

Breed: Mixed Breed

Age: 7 Years Old

Sex: Male

Size: Small

Shots Up To Date: Yes

Spayed/Neutered: Yes

Housetrained: Yes

OK With Kids: Yes

OK With Dogs: Yes

OK With Cats: Yes

About Uno

Personality: Affectionate, Couch, Friendly, Gentle, Loves, Quiet

Uno, our 7 year old 18 pound mix, is so perfect we wonder what he's hiding. Is he in witness protection? On the run from a previous life of crime? He's too good at secrets to tell us what his previous years were like, so we'll have to take him at face value. And have you seen that face? Pretty valuable.

Uno was found stray and we were asked to take him in due to his odd gait (and his missing testicle). We pretty easily solved The Case of the Missing Testicle when we neutered him and cleaned his teeth. X-rays showed that Uno has a congenital knee-cap and hip issue which has caused some arthritis. However, since he's been on anti-inflammatories, Uno gets around beautifully and enjoys long walks with his housemate. Uno should stay on anti-inflammatories as needed.

Like we said, Uno is pretty perfect. He's crate and leash trained, spotlessly potty trained and his fosters have never heard him bark. Uno loves other dogs and has no reaction to them when he sees them on leash. We suspect he'd be fine around cats too and are happy to do an introduction. Uno doesn't mind when he's left alone but really enjoys company and follows his people around like a shadow. Uno lives for affection, is gentle, and his tail only stops wagging when he's fast asleep.

Because Uno has wonky back legs, he has to kick his pee smell with his front legs which results in an adorable little shuffle. When he's really jazzed, Uno likes to rest his open mouth on his persons arm. The only thing we've seen that bothers Uno is loud noises (which, if you get a chance to hear Uno snore, is pretty rich coming from him). Because of that, we recommend older kids in Uno's home.

Uno is heartworm negative and current on his flea and heartworm preventatives.

No one can possibly be this perfect, but we've not been able to figure out Uno's secret. Maybe if you adopt him you'll be able to find that wanted poster he's been hiding.




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