
Adoption Fee:

Breed: Chihuahua

Age: 9 Years Old

Sex: Male

Size: Small

Shots Up To Date: Yes

Spayed/Neutered: Yes

Housetrained: Yes

OK With Kids: Yes

OK With Dogs: Yes

OK With Cats: Most Likely

About Alvin

Personality: Affectionate, chill, gentle, playful, snuggly

Alvin, our 9-year-old chihuahua, is looking for employment in a supervisory role. He's not interested in doing the actual work, but he is happy to watch YOU do it. Cooking? Alvin will be right there, quietly judging how much salt you put in. Gardening? Computering? Alvin will observe and make sure you stay on track. The best perk of hiring Alvin as a supervisor is that he's lost most of his hearing and won't be able to hear you complain about your job.

We took in Alvin from a local shelter after he was found stray. He had teeth that needed addressing and a heart murmur so we stepped in to help. We diagnosed Alvin with an enlarged heart but no signs of congestive heart disease. Alvin was started on Pimobendan, a medication to help his heart squeeze more effectively, and he's doing really well. This medication needs to be continued long term. We'll give his adopters plenty to get started but plan on spending about $40 a month for refills. Once we determined Alvin was healthy enough for anesthesia, we fixed his teeth. He's recovered from his extractions, has a pain-free mouth (and better breath), and is ready for his job interview.

Alvin is truly a marshmallow of a dog (and not just his shape; he's a rotund 16 pounds). He loves all people and dogs, even when he sees them on leash. Potty trained and polite in the house, Alvin is an easy dog to have around. He does require to be covered by a blanket when he's sleeping, but that's not a huge ask. Alvin likes to play bow at his housemates and will chase small squeaky toys. In his off-time, Alvin enjoys a sniff around the yard and some vigorous kicks to spread his pee-smells (relatable). Because he's hard of hearing and can get nervous to be picked up from above, we recommend older kids in Alvin's home. We can test Alvin with cats if needed but suspect he'll be fine.

Alvin is current on his flea and heartworm preventatives and is heartworm negative.

It's easier to stay on task when someone is watching you. If you hire Alvin as your supervisor, you'll never have to do anything alone again (unless he's asleep under his blanket. Even supervisors need time off).




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