
Adoption Fee: $250

Breed: Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Age: 9 Years Old

Sex: Female

Size: Medium

Shots Up To Date: Yes

Spayed/Neutered: Yes

Housetrained: Yes

OK With Kids: Yes

OK With Dogs: Yes

OK With Cats: No

About Ginger

Personality: Affectionate, Friendly, Playful, Loves, Gentle

Ginger, our 49 pound 9 year old pitty mix, has never met a stuffy she didn't love. And if there are no stuffed toys available? Ginger will happily hold a ball, a stick, a frisbee...any object that can be thrown. So it was pretty tough on Ginger when she was healing from her dental surgery and couldn't hold anything. Now that this charmer is healed, she can't wait for a basket of toys in her own home.

Ginger came to us after her owners abandoned her at the shelter. She was so sweet and friendly that we were asked to take her in. Ginger loved the people and the dogs and the shelter, but she really needed her teeth fixed. Although Ginger had to lose several infected molars, she's much more comfortable without them.

Friendly, cuddly, and smart, Ginger is an easy keeper. She is polite in the house so her foster family has not had to crate her. She gets along well with large and small dogs, but chases cats, so no felines in her home. Housetrained, Ginger also knows sit, down, stay, come and shake. She'll do anything for affection and for someone to toss a toy for her.

Ginger is great on a leash and loves walks. She pulls a bit towards other people and dogs, but is easily redirected. Ginger has had normal senior blood work. Like all of our Stumpies, Ginger is heartworm negative and current on her flea and heartworm preventatives.

We can't know why Ginger was left at the shelter at 9 years old. But the person who gives this lovely dog a forever home will have hit the lottery. Is it you?




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